HartSong Ranch is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization.
100% of donations go to the care of the sanctuary animals, the pups of the UnderDOG Railroad and future rescue efforts.
HartSong Ranch is a magical, hidden place for previously neglected, abused, unadoptable horses and farm animals. Our mission is to provide a landscape of quiet and tranquility for the animals that live within our gates – a place where they can enjoy nature, peace of mind and suffer no more.
Daily, we care for 60+ animals. Many have special needs. Some are blind – some are deaf – some are three legged and some carry huge emotional scars from years of abuse. HartSong is their forever home.
HartSong is also the home of The UnderDOG Railroad. We pull from high-kill shelters the weak, weary, terrified – the shy, deaf, blind – the discarded, bruised, battered – the misunderstood – those that are never allowed onto the adoption room floor due to failed temperament evaluations. We see their inner light. Since the launch of The UnderDOG Railroad in 2012, nearly 200 dogs have been saved and ALL have found loving forever homes. Please visit The UnderDOG Railroad page to read the heartwarming stories of the pups we have saved.
There is also Ethel’s Mission…
Started in 2019, is a “fospice” (foster + hospice) rescue endeavor, saving senior pups from shelters. Most of these seniors are surrendered to the shelter just because they are old, and their owners don’t want to cover the expenses associated with caring for a senior dog. Once pulled from the shelters, these senior pups are placed into loving hospice homes. Our mission is to make the last days/weeks/months of their lives the best they have ever known.
HartSong Ranch covers all expenses, including food, bedding, and veterinary care until they take their last breath.
HartSong also partners with numerous wildlife organizations, offering a “safe release zone” for injured waterfowl to completely recover and eventually return to the wild. Some – those who are unable to fly, are safe on the sanctuary grounds forever.
Most, however, find their wings and return to a life in the wild.