Macho looking for trouble!

Macho looking for trouble!

So many have inquired as to how Macho the Mule is doing in his new home in California so here’s an update about this one, very special guy!!!

He’s 4 years old which means he’s what we humans would call a juvenile delinquent.  If there’s a lead rope/halter/fly mask/jacket hanging on a fence rail…he’ll chew it up! If we’re taking too long to bring him his breakfast or dinner, rest assured, he will let you (and all our neighbors know) that it’s taking too long and he REALLY wants to eat NOW!!!  He brays, hee’s and haw’s constantly and oh my goodness, can he ever whine!!! Not only does he make people smile…he makes people giggle!

One other thing we’ve discovered about Macho is that he is particularly fond of hair…human hair that is. Twice now, he’s gotten a hold of a chunk of my hair and then, much to my displeasure, his favorite game ensues…tug-o-war!!! Believe me when I say…I do not find this to be a fun game!!! So, in an effort to discourage Macho from grabbing a hunk of my hair, I thought… “hmmm, I can out wit this guy…I’ll just always tuck my hair up under my hat when I’m working around him”. Well, as it turns out, Macho is a problem solving mule, for his solution to the problem was…you guessed it…he stole my hat!!! I found it the next day in the upper pasture and Yup…it was chewed to pieces.

I have a funny feeling that there will never be a dull moment in the barnyard now that Macho has moved in AND guess what???…we’re absolutely delighted!!!