- Thelma, one of the sanctuary turkey hens and a FIRST-TIME wanna-be-mama, patiently sat on her eggs for weeks. Much to our delight, 2 hatched out of their shells on Mother’s Day! How appropriate BUT…there’s a catch! The two hatchlings are not “turkey” babies…they are “chicken” babies, but even so, Thelma doesn’t seem to mind. She loves them just the same. How they are able to communicate with one another remains a mystery because turkey vocalizations are so different from that of chickens but the language barrier doesn’t appear to be a problem. Somehow, each understands the other. Also, it raises the question…is Thelma teaching her “chickens to be chickens” or is she in fact, teaching her “chickens to be turkeys”? Time will tell… Nothing quite like a mother’s love!