Chrissy and Valentines Story

Years ago, Chrissy was discovered hung up in a fence. The only way to save her life, was to remove the necrotic leg. Once healed, Chrissy was welcomed to another sanctuary in N. California. Unfortunately, that facility closed its doors – leaving Chrissy and her daughter Valentine, without a home. Shortly thereafter, both came to live on the grounds of HartSong.

Chrissy got around quite well on three legs for many years but eventually the arthritis in her remaining right rear leg began to take its toll.


We provided her with the proper meds to manage her pain and built a removable cast to help her with balance and stability but as time went on, she lost the ability to get up and even with our help to get her upright, she still had a difficult time standing. Unwilling to see her struggle and suffer further, the decision was made to help her pass peacefully, which thankfully, she did.

Earlier in the year, we noticed that Valentine was having difficulty maintaining her balance and she exhibited an odd head tilt.

After much research, Valentine was diagnosed with a brain abscess. We tried many different drug cocktails to help heal her condition yet she continued to decline – especially her balance. So, we built a sling. Not only did the sling allow her to stand comfortably for hours, it also improved her circulation and most importantly, helped to heal and encourage her spirit. Our hope was that eventually the medications prescribed would dissolve the brain abscess but such was not the case.

The night before she died, she did not eat her meal – she was not interested to drink and she was very tired. When we tucked her in that night, we shared some special time with her and also said our goodbyes. Early the next morning, we discovered that she had passed away.

It was such a pleasure to care for Chrissy and Valentine. Sanctuary visitors adored this mother and daughter pair. They will be greatly missed.

Rest in Peace Chrissy and Valentine.

Your lives mattered…