The following day, an incredible HartSong volunteer named Taira Mulliken – leader of HartSong’s “UnderDOG Railroad”, contacted the Yolo County Shelter and advised them of our intent to pull this sweet, misunderstood pup but, Taira was unable to pick him up until Wednesday, September 10. The shelter agreed to hold Johnny for one more day. During this time, Taira called all potential adopters on her list – those who had previously indicated an interest to adopt a Lab or Lab mix – hoping that someone might be interested in Johnny. Thankfully, one such family living in San Rafael, California stepped up to the plate and agreed to drive to HartSong to meet Johnny on Friday. Taira delivered Johnny to the sanctuary on Thursday, September 11.
Our plan was to keep him confined in an outdoor kennel for the night but Johnny, would have none of that. No more living in a cage for this pup! He let us know, in no uncertain terms, that he was not happy with the arrangement. Okay Johnny – you win! At 9PM, unable to listen to any more of his lonesome cries, we trucked out to the barnyard and brought him into the house. That night, Johnny slept like a baby – curled up next to Jim – on the bed – in the second bedroom. The following morning, Erik and Christina arrived along with their 4 year old daughter Ava. Everyone waited with baited breath in hopes that Johnny had found his forever home. Wanting to spend a little time alone with Johnny, they leashed him up and headed out for a nice walk around the sanctuary grounds. When they returned, they let us know that a decision had been made – Johnny was the dog of their dreams!
At noon, we waved good bye to Johnny and wished him a happy life. Thus far, Johnny’s new family has been absolutely wonderful – supplying us with many photos and stories of the pup they now call Riley. The photos say it all – Riley, a pup once on death’s door – with less than 24 hours to live – found the BEST forever home EVER and just in the nick of time.
Even though filled with happiness over Riley’s good fortune, we remind ourselves everyday of the other pups – millions of them across the nation – languishing in the dark, back rooms of high kill shelters – awaiting their fate. Riley was one of the lucky ones – he managed to find his way out.