Gweny, Princess, Francine & Poppi
The middle part of May, Hartsong received a call about a lone domestic goose languishing in a pond off of Penobscot Road in Greenwood, California. The caller stated that this particular goose used to have the company of 8+ domestic geese and a few ducks but now, due to predation, all were gone except for this one goose. So stressed at being all alone, lonely and basically a “sitting duck”, this goose had now begun the destructive behavior of pulling out her feathers. Well, that did it! Immediately, we agreed to welcome her to HartSong…
Gilly The Goose
Sweet Gilly the goose, a sanctuary resident for many years, was attacked by an unknown predator on Labor Day, Sep. 3, 2012. When found in the early morning hours, she was near dead, covered in blood and floating aimlessly in her pond. Immediately, we rushed her to the veterinary clinic where she spent the next three days in ICU. Gilly’s attack resulted in what is termed a “de-gloving” injury. Generally, de-gloving injuries remove one layer of skin but in Gilly’s case, every layer of skin was ripped off, leaving her entire neck muscle exposed…
Ashley & Barnaby…
Ashley is a ten year old, blind Barbados Ewe. The first ten years of her life, she lived a solitary life – never enjoying the company of other farm animals BUT, she received excellent care and was adored by her owner. Unfortunately, as the years went by, Ashley lost her sight due to advanced cataracts. Her old stomping ground – a sloped pasture that contained many large rocks and boulders soon became a hazard for her to navigate. Her owner, concerned about Ashley’s welfare, called to ask if HartSong might welcome her as a sanctuary resident. Of course, we said YES!
The first week of June, we, and many of our volunteers, became worried about a neighbor’s goat that was isolated in a round pen with no food, water or shelter. Concerned, we went a’calling and were told that the goat was removed from the rest of the herd because he was to go to another home in a couple of days. Two more weeks passed and still the goat was in the same predicament. Temperatures on that particular weekend were expected to climb to 105 degrees (F) so again, we went a’calling.
The woman who owned the goat finally “broke”, confessing that the goat was mean – she “hated” the goat and wished he would die!….
Burt The Pig
In 2013, we received a phone call from a gal named Kristina from Pleasanton, California. Kristina was the sole owner of a Pot-bellied pig named Burt and she was desperate to find him a good, loving home. Now keep in mind that Burt was in Kristina’s care since he was an eight week old piglet, grew up in suburbia and was used to life indoors with his animal buddies – five dogs and two cats. We all knew it was going to be quite an adjustment for Burt to become an outdoor pig, but Burt is after all a pig, and pigs like to root around in the dirt, roll in the mud and take long naps in the sun…RIGHT??? WRONG!!!